Ideas inspired by playing through the current build: 1) Visiting Ori's house, or at least a background art when relevant. Possibly art for the houses of other characters as well.
2) Introvert Mode: An option for the spirits to interact with the player on their own. This means that in addition to visiting the player's home, they may interact with them while in the same area, and may engage in the various interact options and even ask their own questions to let the player flesh out their own backstory. They can also end conversations like they do when at home/night, portraying how the player cannot simply monopolize their time. The final feature would be influenced by affection, though should not be possible to eliminate outright. For the random spirit encounters, they will offer something random weighted towards the highest tier. The purpose of all of this is for a player who wants the relationships to develop naturally according to their own pace, rather than just going Gift×2+Play×2+Romance×2 every day.
3) The option to save the customization of random spirit encounters. For the times when you find a spirit that looks good, but don't want to go through recreating every feature.
4) If I remember right you already said you wouldn't, but in case you're willing to reconsider after much time has passed: Survival Mode. While not outright lethal, considering you can eat food, having a reason to would be good. Failure to do so will cost time as a spirit ensures you have a hearty meal, same as not getting enough sleep. Speaking off, even without collapsing you can still be fine with only 5 Hours every day. A build up of fatigue as your overall energy diminishes would be inevitable. And finally, running around on rainy and stormy days is just begging for illness, which could also be an opportunity to be taken care of for a day.
5) Spirit Stone lets you find unique things in the Overworld. Essential just, it's revealed by your cursor, you click, you get. Could even be quest related.
6) Event: Spirit For A Day. Find a magic item which gives you the appearance (and only appearance) of a spirit only for a day, and allow the player to use that to have unique interactions with the characters both in seeing what they think of the new you and/or pretending to be any old spirit to see what they say about you behind your back.
7) Random chance to find clothes in Search. If Sean can do it then let the player get lucky as well, as they already can when fishing. If it is already possible then I'm surprised at myself for not having had that experience.
8) Multiple-character interactions. For those times when characters are in the same area as each other. These would not be anything special and would be repeatable, but would show more of the relationship between characters.
9) There is a chance that if there is a character in the area when the player is engaging with a generic spirit, if they have sex in such an encounter the player may be confronted for being a horndog. The nature of this confrontation would be different for each character and level of relationship, and they player will have different options to influence the interaction positively or negatively. Perhaps this could be related to a general acknowledgement of the player's sexual interest. After all, a Flo that knows you wouldn't mind getting into her nonexistent pants would perceive you differently from a Flo as innocent as flowers, unless she suspects that the entire time in which case please put that information in the game because that would be some significant to understanding the character.
After playing this update for a while.... Why did Ori's voice start to remind me of Sylveon's voice? O.0 Not that I have anything against it. It suits Ori that voice
Moki...I think after meeting this new spirit or at least I had that.If you started the game then do the available storyline which is meeting Ku.Then unlock new locations.I found Moki by the tent after talking to this new spirit
When it comes to the even All's not well but ends well can Haru be apart of that? I find it odd he can't be informed that the player was ill after the fact since news of that sort would spread quickly
Okay thanks Whitecrocus for answering. Can I ask what music is used in the game so I can try to download it myself? I like the main menu theme it's nice. I also like how you changed Ori's fate from Will of the wisps not alot of fans were happy with it. Wish Kiko would stay in Sabil but oh well I guess that's what mating mode is for I guess
Okay thanks. I just heard the main menu theme and thought it was part of the ori series OST as it fits real well. What music track is the main theme of your game? If you can't tell me I'll just try to find it as I can. Nevermind I found it was Moonlight from Pixelmon I never would have thought since it sounds like it belongs in Ori's music.
conect your device in the computer and search for the android file. then you need to click on the media file and search for the file com.Whitecrocus.SpiritInteractor, then you can search for your save files and your save customizations
If their mouth are open means that they like fun people and you can play with them as a bonus, most easiest ones.
If their eyes narrows mean that they are more neutral so answer them more... neutral? I mean not be so funny but not so serious, they will not accept playing with you.
And last if they keep their face normally they are responsable and serious so be the opposite of fun for them, they will tell you that they not into games.
This can help you to get light and items better so dont skip the introduction please.
You can have sex with all of them. Just get them to love you and the request should go through. If you don't notice the way the greet you, complimenting them also hints at the temperament, and once you know it winning them over through chatting is easy.
I need help with Haru I can't beat his race as the obstacles end up coming up too fast I tried to slow the game down using cheat engine but it doesn't seem to affect the game so I'm left feeling frustrated as I can't fully interact with the new character even though I'd like to I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to just ignore him either as that won't solve anything can I have help please?
I know that the tutorial tell you the first time you play against him as I said the obstacles come on screen abit fast. And I don't know it they are the same everytime or randomly placed is there a easy strategy I can use? I know I just have to keep trying
Oh that's sad to hear so then what can I do then? just hope I get lucky? It's clear that if I don't dodge even one I slow down so much Haru just zips by and it's impossible to win then should I just focus on jumping over them instead of dodging? Also what does auto move in setting mean what does it do?
if you are really struggling that much, you can set up a macro to spam spacebar so that way you only land on the ground for one frame before jumping again, this will make it much easier but not a free win, each time you land if you land on an obstacle there is a chance you will still hit it, as for auto move, it automatically advances dialogue for you so you don't have to click.
Anyone know how to save your progress from the previous version in mobile? I'm worried that I'll have to start all over when I try out the new version...
how do i unlock moki scene? i did the entire event but when she visited me after their florest was restored and i picked the option "you look cute" i din't got the scene,did i needed to pick the other option or what?
For those who want to access the new stuff as soon as possible, here is a quick run down of what happened to my playthrough
For both new areas:
In the lake, keep searching the area until the text appear saying that a new location has been added on your map, 1 of these locations will included the new spirit Haru
For new scenes:
These will occur during events which come by naturally as days pass by, so just keep passing time but make sure your relationship with the spirits as high as possible
For Moki:
Same with the new scenes, the moki will appear in front of your tent after you have done all of the previous events (atleast in my case), however completing the quest will make it so that you cannot interact with Ori (No spoilers but if you played Will of the Wisps then, :,D )
Edit: the moki scene will be unlocked by calling it cute atleast once and then waiting for in game days after The event
Thanks for the advice... please don’t remind me of this tragic but at the same time happy final🥲(not really😭) I was sad after playing Ori and blind of forest and the second part of the game, and for me the moment became even sadder where Ori himself becomes a tree merging with the spirit of light (sorry for the spoilers).....and I hope this game will also partially have a plot, although it is here, and some locations, still in this game you want a happy ending so as not to suffer from depression later,It’s a difficult game in every sense, but I recommend it, and besides, the gameplay is interesting in general 👍 )
Oh boy...Ori's voice is so...cute.And when is this new character supposed to return? Apparently at the meeting you have to tell Moki that she is a cute character...and something there at the meeting I answered something there sweet
A way that I used since the begining was searching in the spirit tree location, since there is a 50/50 chance to get spirit orbs. And you have to mate the spirit in order to customize and be able to mate with them in the mating mode. Also giving them clothing is another way of customization.
Okay you could also fish and sell them to Sean as well I think it's 10 orbs per fish. How do I unlock the area where Haru is at? I guess I just progress the game enough but I haven't played the game in awhile back when I did Haru wasn't in the game nor the cave area. I also find it hard to interact with the NPC spirits as you basically have to guess what to say and go from there as you don't know which answers they like I only did it right once so far but I've tried two times in Hazel grove after quitting the game the first time I found one and in both scenarios I made them dislike me so I'm not sure what to do with that event
It starts after you finish all the other events in the game. Make sure you're at max romance with Ori and have mated with them at least once.
You'll find the Moki in front of your tent one morning.
As the event progresses you'll have to maintain Hazel Grove for an ingame week until the end of the event, then when the quest ends, you'll be visited by the Moki again.
To mate with the Moki, you need to call them cute at least once before the end of the questline, as they won't even think about sex until they know you find them attractive.
Hey i always wondered, is there something for being a bf/gf with multiple spirits? The last time i did it was for the achievement then i erase that slot because i felt wrong.
Chat with Ori enough times to go on a date with him/her to unlock the BJ. Mate with Ori enough times and he/she will ask you to try a new position to unlock the cowgirl.
Did you call the moki cute? If so, the moki will return and then you can make your move.
Okay, no ideas 😂, I just hope in the future there will be more locations, exciting mushrooms and simply edible and inedible ones from which there can be hallucinations or poisoning and it will be possible to hear dialogues spirits that came to the rescue, a lot of clothes,more Spirits and non-Spirits with whom it will also be possible to interact as they develop, farming and so on..... in general, good luck to you ✊)
Hello, developer, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for this wonderful game, I like everything about the game: the atmosphere, style, graphics, interesting plot and history... freedom is also present in principle what is missing in those games that you want to continue playing, your game has become one of my favorite games and I plan to follow it and good luck with the release of updates and constant ideas).......I had one idea or DLC for a game where evil creatures or "evil spirits" awaken due to the noise of people (let's say) and start terrorize the forest of the Sabil spirits and head to the spirit tree, but our main character teams up with Ori and other spirits and fights back the evil that infects the forest with corruption,and this would be a big update (DLC) with new locations, interactions with new evil spirits as with good ones, including romance and copulation and much more.... it would also be nice if the main character had a choice of which side he was on and this influenced the plot, the spirits with whom you were familiar as the plot progressed could even become make friends),I also want to see this update on both PC and phones, , I don’t want to burden the author so that burnout does not occur 😅, but this is just an idea
Thank you for the opportunity for customization)....I just came up with this idea after watching the gameplay of the second game about Ori, but in any case I won’t distract you and I don’t have enough good ideas
← Return to game
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Currently Haru's blowjob scene is a bit broken, on the final "tier" he just sits there not moving
Working on a fix
Ideas inspired by playing through the current build:
1) Visiting Ori's house, or at least a background art when relevant. Possibly art for the houses of other characters as well.
2) Introvert Mode: An option for the spirits to interact with the player on their own. This means that in addition to visiting the player's home, they may interact with them while in the same area, and may engage in the various interact options and even ask their own questions to let the player flesh out their own backstory. They can also end conversations like they do when at home/night, portraying how the player cannot simply monopolize their time. The final feature would be influenced by affection, though should not be possible to eliminate outright. For the random spirit encounters, they will offer something random weighted towards the highest tier. The purpose of all of this is for a player who wants the relationships to develop naturally according to their own pace, rather than just going Gift×2+Play×2+Romance×2 every day.
3) The option to save the customization of random spirit encounters. For the times when you find a spirit that looks good, but don't want to go through recreating every feature.
4) If I remember right you already said you wouldn't, but in case you're willing to reconsider after much time has passed: Survival Mode. While not outright lethal, considering you can eat food, having a reason to would be good. Failure to do so will cost time as a spirit ensures you have a hearty meal, same as not getting enough sleep. Speaking off, even without collapsing you can still be fine with only 5 Hours every day. A build up of fatigue as your overall energy diminishes would be inevitable. And finally, running around on rainy and stormy days is just begging for illness, which could also be an opportunity to be taken care of for a day.
5) Spirit Stone lets you find unique things in the Overworld. Essential just, it's revealed by your cursor, you click, you get. Could even be quest related.
6) Event: Spirit For A Day. Find a magic item which gives you the appearance (and only appearance) of a spirit only for a day, and allow the player to use that to have unique interactions with the characters both in seeing what they think of the new you and/or pretending to be any old spirit to see what they say about you behind your back.
7) Random chance to find clothes in Search. If Sean can do it then let the player get lucky as well, as they already can when fishing. If it is already possible then I'm surprised at myself for not having had that experience.
8) Multiple-character interactions. For those times when characters are in the same area as each other. These would not be anything special and would be repeatable, but would show more of the relationship between characters.
9) There is a chance that if there is a character in the area when the player is engaging with a generic spirit, if they have sex in such an encounter the player may be confronted for being a horndog. The nature of this confrontation would be different for each character and level of relationship, and they player will have different options to influence the interaction positively or negatively. Perhaps this could be related to a general acknowledgement of the player's sexual interest. After all, a Flo that knows you wouldn't mind getting into her nonexistent pants would perceive you differently from a Flo as innocent as flowers, unless she suspects that the entire time in which case please put that information in the game because that would be some significant to understanding the character.
After playing this update for a while.... Why did Ori's voice start to remind me of Sylveon's voice? O.0 Not that I have anything against it. It suits Ori that voice
OMG I had sex with Moki....I suspect it was just a one time thing?
In story mode, yes. But, you can customize the moki and mate with him/her in mating mode.
Yeah but how do I meet Moki and where?
Moki...I think after meeting this new spirit or at least I had that.If you started the game then do the available storyline which is meeting Ku.Then unlock new locations.I found Moki by the tent after talking to this new spirit
Alright thanks
It's not working for me
When it comes to the even All's not well but ends well can Haru be apart of that? I find it odd he can't be informed that the player was ill after the fact since news of that sort would spread quickly
The event chooses the first 3 spirits with the highest relationship values.
Okay thanks Whitecrocus for answering. Can I ask what music is used in the game so I can try to download it myself? I like the main menu theme it's nice. I also like how you changed Ori's fate from Will of the wisps not alot of fans were happy with it. Wish Kiko would stay in Sabil but oh well I guess that's what mating mode is for I guess
Music is from the Pixelmon OST and Ori games OST.
Okay thanks. I just heard the main menu theme and thought it was part of the ori series OST as it fits real well. What music track is the main theme of your game? If you can't tell me I'll just try to find it as I can. Nevermind I found it was Moonlight from Pixelmon I never would have thought since it sounds like it belongs in Ori's music.
conect your device in the computer and search for the android file. then you need to click on the media file and search for the file com.Whitecrocus.SpiritInteractor, then you can search for your save files and your save customizations
Tip for random Spirit encounter:
Always pay attention when they greet you back:
How and why?
If their mouth are open means that they like fun people and you can play with them as a bonus, most easiest ones.
If their eyes narrows mean that they are more neutral so answer them more... neutral? I mean not be so funny but not so serious, they will not accept playing with you.
And last if they keep their face normally they are responsable and serious so be the opposite of fun for them, they will tell you that they not into games.
This can help you to get light and items better so dont skip the introduction please.
Good night :D
Also the way they greet you.
Hi = Shy, so kind responses
Hey there = Silly, so funny responses
Hello = Serious, so serious responses
Can you have sex with any of them?
You can have sex with all of them. Just get them to love you and the request should go through. If you don't notice the way the greet you, complimenting them also hints at the temperament, and once you know it winning them over through chatting is easy.
I fucking love this game!!!
does anyone now what the name of the song that plays and nighttime at falroot lake? i was fishing and almost fell asleep to it 😅
Rolling through the Forest from the Ori and the Blind Forest Additional OST.
I love the game Ori, the music in it and the atmosphere and your game, now I'm your fan)
I need help with Haru I can't beat his race as the obstacles end up coming up too fast I tried to slow the game down using cheat engine but it doesn't seem to affect the game so I'm left feeling frustrated as I can't fully interact with the new character even though I'd like to I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to just ignore him either as that won't solve anything can I have help please?
you can press space to jump
I know that the tutorial tell you the first time you play against him as I said the obstacles come on screen abit fast. And I don't know it they are the same everytime or randomly placed is there a easy strategy I can use? I know I just have to keep trying
They are randomly placed.
Oh that's sad to hear so then what can I do then? just hope I get lucky? It's clear that if I don't dodge even one I slow down so much Haru just zips by and it's impossible to win then should I just focus on jumping over them instead of dodging? Also what does auto move in setting mean what does it do?
if you are really struggling that much, you can set up a macro to spam spacebar so that way you only land on the ground for one frame before jumping again, this will make it much easier but not a free win, each time you land if you land on an obstacle there is a chance you will still hit it, as for auto move, it automatically advances dialogue for you so you don't have to click.
This game is damn good, really. I don't comment often on this stuff, but, this deserves attention.
i now know that this is not a game, but a story and i can't wait to see where it goes.
Anyone know how to save your progress from the previous version in mobile? I'm worried that I'll have to start all over when I try out the new version...
Nvm I figured it out lol
Are there plans to implement impregnation?
how do i unlock moki scene? i did the entire event but when she visited me after their florest was restored and i picked the option "you look cute" i din't got the scene,did i needed to pick the other option or what?
From what lord whitecrocus said, after picking you look cute option, you need wait for in game days until they visit you again
When the moki visits again, you pick "You are more than cute."
TFW when the moki said that they need a spirit to save their home land and you played will of the wisps
For those who want to access the new stuff as soon as possible, here is a quick run down of what happened to my playthrough
For both new areas:
In the lake, keep searching the area until the text appear saying that a new location has been added on your map, 1 of these locations will included the new spirit Haru
For new scenes:
These will occur during events which come by naturally as days pass by, so just keep passing time but make sure your relationship with the spirits as high as possible
For Moki:
Same with the new scenes, the moki will appear in front of your tent after you have done all of the previous events (atleast in my case), however completing the quest will make it so that you cannot interact with Ori (No spoilers but if you played Will of the Wisps then, :,D )
Edit: the moki scene will be unlocked by calling it cute atleast once and then waiting for in game days after The event
How many ingame days?
Also, I'm holding Ori to their promise that they're coming back...!
Ori will return.When Ori leaves it returns after a week
"new spirit Haru" (Coughing) I met a lot of new spirits
Thanks for the advice... please don’t remind me of this tragic but at the same time happy final🥲(not really😭) I was sad after playing Ori and blind of forest and the second part of the game, and for me the moment became even sadder where Ori himself becomes a tree merging with the spirit of light (sorry for the spoilers).....and I hope this game will also partially have a plot, although it is here, and some locations, still in this game you want a happy ending so as not to suffer from depression later,It’s a difficult game in every sense, but I recommend it, and besides, the gameplay is interesting in general 👍 )
Oh boy...Ori's voice is so...cute.And when is this new character supposed to return? Apparently at the meeting you have to tell Moki that she is a cute character...and something there at the meeting I answered something there sweet
Why can't I do cowboy with the new character
Will there be different species to play as in the future?
Can't get the internal view and the bulge stuff to work
I don't know what I did wrong but Ori has been gone for days.Help
You need to wait for a week in the game so that you can continue with the event.
What? And that drilling in the woods and other stuff?
How do I get the ability to customize the other spirits in the game? And what's a good way to get spirit orb to buy things with?
A way that I used since the begining was searching in the spirit tree location, since there is a 50/50 chance to get spirit orbs. And you have to mate the spirit in order to customize and be able to mate with them in the mating mode. Also giving them clothing is another way of customization.
Okay you could also fish and sell them to Sean as well I think it's 10 orbs per fish. How do I unlock the area where Haru is at? I guess I just progress the game enough but I haven't played the game in awhile back when I did Haru wasn't in the game nor the cave area. I also find it hard to interact with the NPC spirits as you basically have to guess what to say and go from there as you don't know which answers they like I only did it right once so far but I've tried two times in Hazel grove after quitting the game the first time I found one and in both scenarios I made them dislike me so I'm not sure what to do with that event
How do you unlock the moki content? i cant seem to trigger the event
It starts after you finish all the other events in the game. Make sure you're at max romance with Ori and have mated with them at least once.
You'll find the Moki in front of your tent one morning.
As the event progresses you'll have to maintain Hazel Grove for an ingame week until the end of the event, then when the quest ends, you'll be visited by the Moki again.
To mate with the Moki, you need to call them cute at least once before the end of the questline, as they won't even think about sex until they know you find them attractive.
huh, i am at max romance with ori and no more quests seem to be triggering
Did you talk to Ori about their past?
Also did you do all of the events with them?
Я решил проблему с загрузкой сцены спаривания с помощью... Удаления всей игры из диска компьютера и банальной переустановки (Инженер)
I think we need to make some adjustments because when we reach the new content it becomes impossible to donate more OLB to the tree.
If you get all blesings you can´t donate more spirit light orbs to the spirit tree
Is there a Saving mode now?
not on browser. On pc though as a downloadable version, yes.
Hey i always wondered, is there something for being a bf/gf with multiple spirits? The last time i did it was for the achievement then i erase that slot because i felt wrong.
Yes, i felt wrong for fictional characters.
There may be plans to implement relationship drama as an option and plans to have benefits as just being friends with max relationship.
But for now, enjoy your harem... if you want.
Oh, a little leak is nice and... it seems some dont like it xd
Can the moki be found again after mating them? They said they would be around sometimes but have yet to see them again.
After mating them once, you can customize and mate with them in mating mode as much as you want.
i think what they asked is if you can mate with the moki again in story mode
No, but I'll think about how the moki visits and event can be improved.
Я чуть не проспал обновление ( У меня сейчас 0:30 по Москве ) XD
(Мне лень переводить это сообщение на английский, простите)
Дождались ) (я сам русский не буду скрывать) у меня сейчас 00:55
Я сам забыл про обновление
How do you unlock the new mating modes? I tried different ways and can't find them.
Also, how do you mate with the moki? Completed the event but don't know afterwards.
Chat with Ori enough times to go on a date with him/her to unlock the BJ. Mate with Ori enough times and he/she will ask you to try a new position to unlock the cowgirl.
Did you call the moki cute? If so, the moki will return and then you can make your move.
Ok, got the moki, but is it limited to just one mate position?
Just one position for the moki for now
Err...what is a foxy spirit?
dont tell the update is being delayed....
It isn't.
thanks god...
Okay, no ideas 😂, I just hope in the future there will be more locations, exciting mushrooms and simply edible and inedible ones from which there can be hallucinations or poisoning and it will be possible to hear dialogues spirits that came to the rescue, a lot of clothes,more Spirits and non-Spirits with whom it will also be possible to interact as they develop, farming and so on..... in general, good luck to you ✊)
Hello, developer, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for this wonderful game, I like everything about the game: the atmosphere, style, graphics, interesting plot and history... freedom is also present in principle what is missing in those games that you want to continue playing, your game has become one of my favorite games and I plan to follow it and good luck with the release of updates and constant ideas).......I had one idea or DLC for a game where evil creatures or "evil spirits" awaken due to the noise of people (let's say) and start terrorize the forest of the Sabil spirits and head to the spirit tree, but our main character teams up with Ori and other spirits and fights back the evil that infects the forest with corruption,and this would be a big update (DLC) with new locations, interactions with new evil spirits as with good ones, including romance and copulation and much more.... it would also be nice if the main character had a choice of which side he was on and this influenced the plot, the spirits with whom you were familiar as the plot progressed could even become make friends),I also want to see this update on both PC and phones, , I don’t want to burden the author so that burnout does not occur 😅, but this is just an idea
There won't be evil spirits in the game, but you can customize Ori and the others to be dark spirits. 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity for customization)....I just came up with this idea after watching the gameplay of the second game about Ori, but in any case I won’t distract you and I don’t have enough good ideas
OMG OMG OMG new version on July 15...well...once again OMG
your game is very special and awesome keep up the good work
Thank you.
wow i fig the game was dead is grate to see your still working on it
Fine. I'll wait for the update as long as it takes