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Cool game

When is the next update coming out with the new sex positions and other stuff?


Usually in the next 3-5 months. I won't reveal the release date until I feel the update is close to finishing.

continue the development and I will continue to support you👍😁

Thank you!

Released 1 day ago, damn I'm lucky


Just wanted to say great game keep up the good work

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It's not totally clear what why the spirit tree elects to give you it's blessing. Do you need a total amount of orbs donated per blessing, or is it a random chance per orb?


You get only one blessing from the Spirit Tree if you give Her 10 orbs. Other blessings will come in a later update.

Ori talks about these odd mushrooms, can you actually do anythin with that info yet or not?

It will be an item in a later update.

The mushrooms are a reference to a commission I requested from PikaJota. His makes good NSFW art!

just checked them out, great indeed! followed them instantly.
another question. will the player character be able to use items too eventually?
Ori did mention the mushrooms can make someone grow in size, could lead to fun situations.
and does the meat have any use yet? no spirits seem to like it.

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Besides giving / selling / wearing, I plan on something for the player to use the items. The meat will have use when I add spirit characters who do eat meat.

ah, neat, thanks for the info and goodluck with developing!

Do you have any plans for the game beyond what you have listed in the roadmap?

Maybe. There will be more content like new outfits and sex positions, for instance.

What kind of sex positions are you planning to add in a later update? Also, if possible, would there be mating events like where the spirits would penetrate you,the avatar, where you would request two or more spirits to have sex with each other, or where you and the spirit would masturbate together or something? Just something out of curiousity.

There are some ideas i have in mind for a later update. There is a blowjob in side view, cowgirl position in pov, and doggy style in side or angled view. There is also a plan to add one group sex position and a male character penetrating you. Having the spirit characters mate and masturbation sessions sound like good ideas.

Played through the current build, and have a few ideas. You may have already considered them, but I thought I might put them in just in case. In no particular order...

1. Spirits propositioning relationship upgrades. Similar to how Ori will sometimes ask for sex in Chat and Ori and Flo have chances to initiate during cuddle/make out, past certain thresholds (most likely differing between characters) Ori, Flo, and Sean may on their own initiative confess their feelings which the player is free to accept or reject (at a significant relationship dip due to heartbrake, so the players themselves can't just confess immediately after like nothing happened). My opinion is that it'd be best to occur as a morning camp visit at random chance similar to the Ori/Flo event, with heart thresholds at least slightly higher than it takes for the player to confess to the spirit, and they won't propose again if rejected so that the player can still forge a significant platonic relationship.

2. Harem dynamic, meaning if the player is boyfriends/lovers with multiple spirits those spirits will acknowledge it. It could even be that the player will have to talk things out between them (or catch them talking things out with each other in relation to Point 1) before a confession will pan out. And while it would most likely be too much to make properly interactive you could make some narration for multiple-partner events, the most obvious one being being lovers with Flo and Ori and engaging with their recurring event.

3. Inviting spirits into the tent, and sex in the tent. The later is obvious for what it would be, and I can see the former being available when a spirit visits camp at night. This could lead to platonic snuggling at friendship levels, and aforementioned sex either to bed or as a morning surprise at boyfriend levels. Ideally you should be able to invite spirits earlier and earlier in the day with the increasing severity of the weather (and intimacy of relationship), and in conjunction with Point 2 able to invite multiple spirits for group cuddling/fucking.

4. Occasional descriptions of events involving background spirits. These wouldn't actual effect anything, but would show how the denizens of the forest warm up to the player. Tied to the relationship values (though not relationship status in conjunction with Point 1) and the spirit tree, spirits in descriptions will be more visible and less wary as the player's reputation improves. Notable events may include curious visitors to the player's camp (initiated during search when the player would otherwise find nothing), accompanying the player briefly (initiated during travel), and spirits offering warm reception when the player visits the lake.

These sound like good ideas that I'll add to my backlog. The idea about the tent is something i had in mind: i just need to make the background for the inside of the tent!

To be honest, the update is VERY good. New characters and a new mimi game I really liked + a store appeared. Good luck with the next update :)

ah i need ask i can mate with every one in this game like Sean ?

You can mate with all 3 characters

yaaay that so cool :

What a great news to wake up!

There is a story mode bug I am here to report.  When I got to the part of the story where  you can confess and become  Ori's boyfriend, if you do it at night it gets you stuck to here Ori disappears and it doesn't take you back to the map to sleep and continue to the next day.

That is a bug caught by one of my followers! I implemented a fix and will go with this update.

thanks! keep up awesome work!

3 days left! (at least in my time zone


When do updates generally happen? that way I now when tp expec tthem.

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Right now, they happen about once every 3-5 months since my life can be busy and unpredictable.

I admit that this update is almost driving me insane. So, to give myself more room, I'll reveal the date for the next update until I feel that it is about ready. I'll be giving monthly updates on the devlog to show that I'm still working on the game.

I do have a road map of the game that's available on my patreon, which is going as planned. The next update after this one will focus on more sex features and positions.


Will the update be free? 


The game is free and all updates will be free.


OK, thanks:)


only 6 days left...

Really looking forward to updating your game, thanks for working on it!

What are the names of the new spirits


They will be revealed when I release an update on Sept. 30th.

Will there be any voice acting?


Not right now, but if someone wants to add voice acting to the game, they can let me know! It would be nice to have some. 😀

Will the other characters be customizable like ori?

Not really.

Why is that? I was planning to dye Flo like her precious orchids… :(

Mostly because it is not ready.

Okay. Hope there will be the capability to do so at some point. As I said, already have plans to give Flo an orchid-themed dye-job, as well as making Sean as glittering as his treasured Spirit Orbs.

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Oh sweet only 29 more days

Is there a guide or anything

I've been trying to get to other areas but the grove is all i can do, what should I do?

The other areas are not done yet, mainly because the backgrounds are not done.

There is no guide for the game yet, but I plan to write one someday. If someone wants to write one, that would be great!

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How are the updates coming along?


On schedule.

Oh Neat, got a patreon?


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Игра отличная, но хотелось бы знать. Будут ли истории в игре. Например, короткие рассказы, как в начале игры. Не знаю, но привычного общения между gg и ori у меня не хватает. (Я не имею в виду функцию чата).


Yes. There will be event stories and backstories of different characters (and some lore in general).

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I have a few questions 

Will you be able to play as a moki or a spirit?

Will there be more m. positions?

Will there be more outfits?

Cum button for Android?

Will you be able to put moans into the game? Maybe taken from ori's voice in WOTW or BF

And finally, why did you make this so great?

Only human ... for now.



Good idea.


I put effort and love to it.

I hope these answer your questions. 😄

With the addition of new characters, is there gonna be a group sex feature ? 👉👈

In the future

Ooooo an orgy

Deleted 2 years ago

3 new characters, a store, a notebook, few new scenes, a new sex scene, a new minigame, and other adjustments and fixes.

Keep in mind that this is mainly a solo project that I work on in my spare time from my busy life so updates do come slowly. But, I add and improve what I can and I don't plan on abandoning it. :)

Deleted 2 years ago

When will the next update be


The next update is planned for September 30th.

Dear author, I have been watching your creativity for a long time not only in this game, but also beyond it. I want to thank you for your efforts (now it will be harder for me to find my love), by this you show your real admiration for Ori as a character. I haven't had time to download the latest version of the game yet, but I'm already very interested in the update description. Good luck to you. Ps: what's in parentheses is a joke. Pps: I write through a translator, so mistakes are possible

Thank you.

Deleted 2 years ago

I plan on adding 3 new spirit characters for the next update. I will reveal the characters in the devlog once I add them to the experimental builds. I'll tell you this though, the personality of the first one is similar to Fluttershy's personality, the second one runs a store, and the last one is a fanmade guest character.

Can you add a spirit that's a bit taller than the rest

There will be spirits of different sizes.

Yay also will a major update still be on september

That is the goal.

Will you add foreplay elements into the game?


Right now, you can do some elements of foreplay like frottage, but I can add more things like massaging, kissing, and cunnigilus.


What do i need to do for ori to confess here love.”? I have spent like 30 game days after reaching “ori really likes being with you”


Keep chatting with Ori until she confesses. It is a very rare moment after you reach "Ori really likes being with you". Every time you press Chat, there is a 1.5% chance that she will confess, which may or may not be too low. I plan on increasing the likelihood in the next update when I add more characters.

Everything seems OK to me I'm either lucky or extremely lucky, I got that and have sex with her before day 7

30!! I'm  already  having sex with ori at day 7

Whole a new update I can already feel it's gonna be good

Can you add cum inflation?


the game is good but need a way to know how much a character likes you/love you so you know 

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I'll add something that will make it easier to tell. For now, you can tell how much Ori likes you by the interaction intro text (e.g. Ori is looking at you, Ori likes being with you, Ori loves you passionately).

Actually, forgot to mention, if you press F3, it gives you a debug text box with the relationship value (RV). This gives you the exact value of how much Ori likes you. But again, I'll add something in the next major update.

Well, this is a very good update, I have nothing to say, thanks, and I'm looking forward to the next update

I like this new update there have more fun


I'm glad you like it.

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