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Hello! You are one of my favorite authors in the p industry. Looking forward to the update and please do animations with human and ori too) P.s I would like to see more poses for mating with ori, flo and sean in the update. I would also like to see the development of the further plot) Good luck my favorite author

do you need Russian translation?


I have someone working on the Russian translation.


Really? That's awesome! 

Deleted 2 years ago

Just another thought 'cause my brain is poopoo

There needs to be more couple interactions, like when a spirit visits there should be an option when they're leaving to follow them to keep interacting.

To walk with them and stuff

And even shit like sleeping in the same area like maybe inviting them to sleep at your ""place""


I'll add the ideas to the backlog. Thank you for the suggestions.

i am so Excited to play the new update :D 

so i need ask how many spirit characters new in this update :) and are there secret :p ?


There actually wont be any new spirit characters, but there will be a few non spirit characters thatll make an appearance in some events. They will be non-mateable, unfortunately.

oh okay np :)

Okay, but I think I can say that a lot of people would probably enjoy the hypothetical ability to, say, romance and mate with Ku and / or male/female Mokis in the future. That would be interesting.

It can be possible to mate with non-spirit characters in the future, but after finishing more core elements and adding different mating positions and such.

cool, cool. Looking forward to it. All for romancing new and interesting creatures.

Have you given any more thought to this?

Deleted 233 days ago
(3 edits)

Yet another idea
Would there be (maybe) a way to make Ori top in the future?

And I know it's already been asked for but female human with spirit top?
Again, I Completly understand if A: Not possible B: You didn't want to
Or C: Didn't care.

And also question does Sean have his own unique minigame like Ori and Flo and I'm just not getting it or does he not have one?

When you say top, do you mean have Ori wear a bra, or being the top in the mating scene?

And yes. Sean will have a mini game in the next update.

Top in the mating scene. But a bra and shirts would be funny

(1 edit)

Ah ok. Yes. Spirits can be on top during mating in the future, and there will be bras also.

crashed multiple times after confessing love to ori.

is this a dialog bug or just coincidence.

also crashed after but at that point I saved. 

It may be coincidence because it doesnt crash when i confessed. When you say crash, do you mean that the game froze or the dialogue box disappeared? Are you using windows, mac, or android?

froze and android

(1 edit)

Do you think there could be more exotic things in the future?
Such as collars maayybee leashes and maayyyybeeee footjob/foot worship? And if so maybe a way to disable them if the player wants.
But if not I completely understand it's not for everyone.
Just another thought I had.


After adding the main features for the sex scenes, I may add other extra things like what you described. 🙂

(1 edit) (+2)

Could there be a chance in the future after the other stuff is done where you could choose to play as a spirit in an alternate save or change from a human to a spirit through some event in the game?


We will see.


On an unrelated topic, I'd like to see a little more on the underwear. Namely, the option to have them wear their panties in sex but not otherwise, like the holliday wrappings, and a white panties to go with the white shorts, much like how there are blue shorts and blue panties, and pink panties and pink shorts. That way, everything's a little more consistent.

I do plan on having the holiday lingerie be displayed in the interaction scenes rather than just in the mating scene. But yeah, I do plan on making it more consistent.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's nice that Ori will occasionally bring up the chance to mate with them when you talk with them. I'd like to see more of the Spirits asking you to mate themselves, give them a little agency and show them they actively desire you, rather then just permit it. I liked the dialogue with Ori asking if they could see your penis, being different species, shame it seems like a once-only.


I think it's cool but a "bug" I found was after me and ori did it he then asked if he could see it like bruh you just did

Haha. 🤣

So i cant install the apk and idk why but i have alot of storage for it

It seems that the android version works well on some devices and yet has trouble on others, and i dont know why. I do wish that I have all of the Android devices I ever need. 😔

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, will there be a Moki character you know the one from the game?

Yes. There will be a moki involved in an event.

Cool so will the Moki be like one of the spirits to have a relationship with or we will only see it in the event?

You will only see in the event.


it would have been interesting to romance a Moki though.

Question, the spirits have on many occasions mentioned that give spirit orbs to the tree can grant blessings. Is that an actual feature or no? I just wanted to know if I was wasting orbs or not. I don't mind giving them I just wished to know if I would actually get something from it.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

This is completely false.

 There is only one blessing, which doubles the rate at which you gain a Spirit’s affection.

You earn this at a mere ten Spirit Orbs gifted to the Spirit Tree.

WhiteCrocus clarified this in this very comments section.

Okay, sorry for spreading disinformation. I really thought there's more then one. I will delete comment now.

(1 edit)

Do you plan on adding additional characters?
Edit: If you already had a comment asking you this, I'm sorry. 

There will be more characters 😄

YAY! I can't wait!

(1 edit)

Love the game! Sadly it seems to not want to run on my phone dunno if it's a bug or not but it gets to almost loading the main menu then it just closes down. If you need details on what I am trying to play it on here it is:


15GB Storage

Android 11

Samsung Galaxy A10e

Hmm. It seems that the game would not load on some Android devices. The game does require at least 500 MB of RAM and your device has plenty. I'll have to look into this more.

Ok thx hope you find out the cause

You should have 'show erections in interactions have a flag for when a spirit is aroused or not. Mostly have them show up when you're making out with them, or otherwise getting them excited.

A user suggested something similar to this as well. The show erections feature was a small quick one to add and would be nice to make it better. 😊

Idk why but I can't just start play it just doesn't loading

I'm sorry that the game is not starting. Can you please provide me details on what you are using to run the game (OS, version, RAM, etc)?

(1 edit)

Android 11 

Ram 4 GB 

Maybe useless

(Brand: Techno) 

(Model:Techno KG7n) 

And have SD-card

(2 edits)

Hey, just a recommendation
but what if there were more customization options to change what Ori is such as making him a fox/bunny/other animal maybe?

Or even things from different games like a Slugcat.
And maybe even different color patterns and options to color different parts of the body instead of just one.
Or maybe even new arms and legs.
Just a thought I had.

There will be more customizations like bunny ears, patterns, and more.


i need ask if you finish this update that mean you finish this game ?

full game

Nope. There are plenty of things to add before it is considered finished.

We all look forward to the full game! But don't work too hard and take care of yourself. We can be patient!

On Android if you mate with one of them the game just crashes other than that I love the stile

I have Android.

But, my game not crashed

9.5/10 good game

(1 edit)

hey, will Ocus be in the game?

Unlikely. We'll see.

how i get rose?

No roses yet.


What new positions would there be?
Hopefully some cowgirl action if you can make it work~

They will be revealed when I am close to releasing the update containing them.

That makes sense XP

wait how do i get currency again?

The currency is spirit light orbs. You either find them while searching the area or sell items to Sean.

how do you sell items?


hi , i have idea : 

when you do romantic or do love with any spirits every day he / she will angry .

and when he get 40 heart he stop it get love but he ask you task and if you did that task he get heart 

that all my idea :) .

i hop you like it my idea like i love your game :D

Thanks for the idea.

is there a chance we have a female mc in the future? 



Question, Will there be the possibility to have non-human genitalia?
Or at less a way to customize it more then just one color?


It may be an option later down the road.

like knots and stuff pretty cool


I love these types of games,, where you actually have to build up your relationship with the individual and not just doing it right away for no absolute reason. Keep Up The Good Work!!!

Also some questions, do you plan on creating various positions? Or Like fingering/tongue work or such? (Kinda feels awkward asking this).  

And will you add like a jealousy system if you spend far more time with a different spirit that isn't our gf/bf? (Not sure how you would do it but still asking). 

.Again,, Keep Up The Good Work <3.


There will be more positions and some kind of jealousy system in the later updates.

So there will be consequences of getting multiple girlfriends and boyfriends in the future?


Yes, but that will be an option that can be toggled on or off.

when you add fishing to the game it's going to be like a mini game?

Probably in the next update. It will be a fishing mini game.

hey good sir can i ask if we can variety of animations aswell?


There will be more animations.

I love him so much, I love the game, it's very cute. Quick updates! !🥰

Two things:

1 - Just curious, is Spirit Interactor the final title, or do you think you’ll change it down the line?

2 - Can’t wait for the new updates, when do they typically release? 

(2 edits)

There may be plans to change the title.

The updates tend to happen every 3-4 months. The release date for the next update won't get released until that is update close to finishing.


How to play this game is all in English. I don't know how to play it.




Yo I play through your game and it's awesome but I do hope we can get more characters from the game like some villains male and female and some way to marry them and for females also have children with them and some other story beats too because after getting all of the characters unlocked and mating with them that's about it sure we got the mini games but it would be actually cool if we can have some combat if we stay out too late with one of the characters helping us out in the fight I love the cure to customization from spirits I would love to see you some customization from the other spirits to


- This is a visual novel, not a Turn-Based ARPG. As far as I know, there will be no combat. This is supposed to be a safe space for spirits.

- WhiteCrocus has said there will be cameos from other canon Ori characters, as well as other OCs.

- WhiteCrocus has also said that marriage and pregnancy is toward the final stage of their roadmap, which is on Patreon.

- The next update is going to be an expansion of this one, with, for example, more things to do with Sean in order to make him more easily romanceable.

(1 edit) (+3)

Would you translate the game for another languages like Brazilian?

(If you would do that i can help with Brazilian language)

If you or anyone would like to help with the translations, send me an email to

I just recently became an ori fan because of this game thank you btw. would like to see updates also.  where is the PikaJota mushroom or has it not been in game yet?

I don't know but with the play tests I've done, it seems unavailable 

Not available yet

Where updates?

Based what i know. A month or 2 from now

So I have some questions and suggestions:

1: I think it could be neat if you animated the spirits’ sprites a bit during the non-mating interactions, like, say, during a regular conversation, a simple swaying idle animation, perhaps with twitching of the tail and ears, could certainly make the spirits feel more alive.

2: Tying into that, do you think cuddling and making out could have their own animated scenes? Having it be just a text interaction where the spirit smiles in the exact same way kind of breaks the intimacy / immersion.

3: The option to have the spirits display their genitals during interactions is nice, but it’s a bit awkward for, say, Sean to be at full mast over you buying a fruit off of him, or Ori to be likewise after confessing to accidentally killing the protagonist of Hollow Knight. Perhaps the spirit’s erections during interactions could be tied to their arousal, so, for example, if Ori becomes aroused during a makeout session or suggests to you that you mate with him, he would get an erection then, when it makes sense?

4: It might be interesting to have intersex / hermaphrodite spirits. You can already customize Ori to have some mix of both typical sexes, why not mix them further? A spirit with both options when it comes to breeding would certainly be able to carry on the species easier as well, so that could fit into the Spirit Tree’s ideals.

5: Does the earlier roadmap still apply? What stage would you say you’re on, if so? And what stage will come next, at about what time? I feel a lot of the upcoming features will do a lot to increase the overall feeling of comfort and deep intimacy.

Having more animation in the interaction scenes is a good idea, and changing the erections depending on the situation is good too.

It is possible to have specific animations for the kissing and cuddling, but it'll be difficult and will take a very long time because of the customization. We will see.

The road map still apply. The next update will actually focus on finishing the top right features, and the next one after that will focus on the different mating scenes.


On the more steamy side of things, did you see what I asked about hermaphrodite spirits?

Related to that, some good potential additions could be a version of the second penis option with a knot (since the second one, that Sean has, already looks so much like a canine penis), and a canine vulva for female spirits as a counterpart, if you decide customizations ‘below the belt’ would apply to more than just males.

I'll think about adding hermaphrodite spirits.

Additions for more different types of dicks and vulva are planned.

Alright, good to hear. Looking forward to every update that you’re working on. You’re doing the Spirit Tree’s work.

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